Plants and Pipettes

we talk about plants and (used to) use pipettes

The Sound of Plants and Pipettes

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Have you ever wondered what the people behind Plant and Pipettes sound like? Well, you’re in for a treat: we just published our first podcast!

We are really excited to present the next step in our little world of Plants and Pipettes: the Plants and Pipettes Podcast! (say that 10 times fast!)

Every second week we will present a deep dive into two plant research papers that got our attention and piqued our interest. In the first episode, Tegan brought a story to the table about plants’ reaction to being poked by pesky people (researchers). Joram presented a method to finally transform the chloroplasts of Arabidopsis (and get fertile transformants!) and why scientists like us get so excited about this feat.

Around the hard research we bring you every episode some bits and pieces from our world of plant research, some candidates for our ‘favourite plant’ hall of fame, and other fun facts.

We hope you enjoy our episodes as much as we enjoy recording them! Let us know in the comments here or under the episode what you think!

And don’t forget to subscribe to the Plants and Pipettes Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts! Or copy this link into your podcast player!

xoxo T&J

PS: Tegan totally thinks this post should have been called ‘The Sounds of Science’. But maybe it’s been done.

PPS: We know that Ep#1 is suuuper long. Ep#2 is shorter, we promise.



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