Tag: adventcalendar2019
Advent Day 11- Australian Christmas Tree
Growing up in Australia, we had a bunch of Christmas traditions that anyone from the far North (Eurasia and North America) might consider strange.
Christmas in my hometown of Perth commonly reaches 40+ degrees C (104 F), so we swap snow with swimming, and often favour seafood and salad over hot turkey roast. There’s even Australian versions of some of the most famous Christmas songs (can I get you a ‘dashing through the sand, in our bathers and our thongs’?).
And over on the West Coast, we have our very own Australian Christmas Tree.… Read more
Advent Calendar Day 10 – Plants who prepare for goats
I don’t understand why someone would put a spiky, angry little plant as a decorative element in their own home. For some reason however, holly made the cut of nice-to-have decorative plants, even though it is ready to stab me at any moment. If it only wasn’t for goats, then it would be a perfectly peaceful plant.… Read more
Advent Day 9 – It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas
When you think of Christmas, you probably have a pretty good visual. But do you also have a good nose-ual? (smellual? scentual? someone help me with this).
Basically what I’m asking is – when you think of Christmas, what scents come to mind?… Read more
Advent Calendar Day 8: The place Christmas trees grow
Do you know where your Christmas tree is from? Chances are you can pinpoint the nursery that grew the trees in your local area, but where did they get the seeds? … Read more
Advent Day 7: Mystery plant
If you just saw the cover image, would you known what the post was about?
How about now?:… Read more
Advent Day 6 – an audio blog on Poinsettia, caterpillars and acid
Today, it’s podcast release day. And as we’re both far from being fit, this is not a regular fun full episode, it is an irregular fun focused episode. It is about a post you might have read – but did you listen to Joram’s soothing voice read it to you on your way to work? Didn’t think so.
You can also move over to our Podcast section, where you’ll find the whole thing, too.
This article is part of our Christmas Advent’s Calendar.… Read more
Advent Calendar Day 5 – Forever green
Winter would be that much sadder without the green that remains on some trees – like our beloved
Christmas treesconifers. They resist the peer pressure of other trees that drop their foliage as soon as it gets a little bit colder.… Read more -
Advent Day 4 – Kranz means ‘wreath’ in German
Given that you should, right about now, be decorating and hanging thematic wreaths on your doors, walls, loved ones and pets, I thought it might be a good time to ask you if you had heard about Kranz Anatomy.… Read more
Advent Day 3 – Pretty Poinsettias, and the Caterpillars that spray them with acid.
Look, I don’t even think we need a leading paragraph. That title speaks for itself…… Read more
Advent Day 2 – Poinsettia
Next up on the ‘plants we associate with Christmas’ roundabout is the Poinsettia (aka, Euphorbia pulcherrima). Here are five fast facts about these red and green beauties.… Read more