Plants and Pipettes

we talk about plants and (used to) use pipettes

Stacks of wheat – Vertical farming, occlupanid research, thievish animals

What would happen if you stacked ten layers of indoor wheat on top of each other – and then stacked ten of those stacks? We’re discussing the highs and lows of vertical farming, talk about terrible naming schemes and the rediscovery of an animal that’s neither elephant nor shrew.

Wheat yield potential in controlled-environment vertical farms; Senthold Asseng,  Jose R. Guarin,  Mahadev Raman,  Oscar Monje,  Gregory Kiss, Dickson D. Despommier, Forrest M. Meggers, and  Paul P. G. Gauthier; PNAS August 11, 2020 117 (32) 19131-19135; first published July 27, 2020 

Make sure to check out Vikram’s podcast Planthropology!

Fun Stuff

Cat Fact

The rediscovered an Elephant Shrew after 50 years; Elephant vs Shrew metabolic rate

Fox steals shoes in Berlin.

Naked man chases wild boar who stole his laptop

Make sure to check out The Plant Book Club in your podcast app!

All views are our own. If you want to comment or correct anything we said, leave a comment under this post or reach out to us via twitterfacebook or instagram.

Our opening and closing music is Caravana by Phillip Gross

Until next time!

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