Welcome to Ants and Pipettes, the podcast about ants and their relationship to plants and also there are pipettes. I don’t know. Have fun!
- Recovery after long-term summer drought: Hydraulic measurements reveal legacy effects in trunks of Picea abies but not in Fagus sylvatica
- Scientists engineer the first light-powered yeast | Science | AAAS
- Using light for energy: examining the evolution of phototrophic metabolism through synthetic construction | bioRxiv
- Natural Coumarin Isomers with Dramatically Different AIE Properties: Mechanism and Application
- Have your cake and print it: the 3D culinary revolution is coming | 3D printing | The Guardian
- Impact of varying macronutrient composition on the printability of pea-based inks in extrusion-based 3D food printing
- Macroecological diversification of ants is linked to angiosperm evolution | Evolution Letters | Oxford Academic
- Ants took over the world by following flowering plants out of prehistoric forests — ScienceDaily
- Soejatmi Dransfield – Wikipedia.
- Negativity drives online news consumption | Nature Human Behaviour
- Marvellous moths! pollen deposition rate of bramble (Rubus futicosus L. agg.) is greater at night than day | PLOS ONE
All views are our own. If you want to comment or correct anything we said, reach out to us via mastodon, twitter, facebook or instagram.
Our opening and closing music is Caravana by Phillip Gross
Until next time!